- Get a massage - Nothing eases those aching back muscles like a good rub down by a professional
- Go to the chiropractor - This is perfect for those with a lot of lower back pain, hip pain, or pelvic pain. Be sure to find a chiropractor that is trained to work with pregnant women.
- Spend alone time with your partner - After the baby arrives, alone time will be hard to come by.
- Spend alone time with your older children - After the baby is born, your older children will look so big and grown up. Enjoy the time when they are still your "baby".
- Go swimming - Great exercise and great to take the weight off of your back.
- Get a manicure/pedicure - Its hard to stress when you are getting pampered.
- Go to the movies - Take a pillow to make the chairs more comfortable
- Read your favorite book
- Organize the baby room - Put on some upbeat music, open the blinds and let your nesting instincts take over
- Shop - Do I need to say more?
- Make a belly cast
- Paint your belly - Invite your friends over and let them get creative on your belly canvas! Please be sure to use non toxic paints.
- Belly henna - Real henna (not the chemical filled black stuff) makes great belly art. See a professional or if you are really brave, have your friends do it.
- Girls Night Out (or In) - Virgin daiquiris, chocolate covered strawberries, and gossip with good friends
- Go out for ice cream - Probably don't have to twist your arm too hard on this one do we?
- Take a breastfeeding/cloth diapering/babywearing class
- Learn to sew, crochet, or knit
- Host a game night
- Join Pinterest - Just like that, 4 days have gone by
- Write a letter to your baby - Write a letter about yourself to your baby before they are born. Write a letter each year on his/her birthday describing your life. Keep the letters for them when they grow up.
- Take lots of pregnancy pictures
- Join a moms group
- Go for a walk - Sometimes a little sunshine is all we need
- Go on a picnic
- Go geocaching - www.geocaching.com
- Play video games
- Start a scrapbook
- Have a blessingway - http://www.theblessingcircle.com/blessing-way
- Acupuncture - Another great way to relieve stress and pain
- Prepare meals to freeze - Cook meals that can be stored and easily reheated. This will make grabbing a bite to eat between feedings and diaper changes much easier.
- Volunteer - Find a local charity or organization and give back
- Watch birth videos - You can never be too prepared. Watch videos of natural childbirth and find ways to help you relax during birth.
- Dance - Dance away your stress!
- Meditate
- Do prenatal yoga - Great for working out and preparing for birth
- Attend a festival
- Go fishing
- Go camping
- Visit a museum
- Write up a birth plan
- Play mini golf
- Visit a bookstore with a cafe
- Make a list of places that you want to take your child to when they grow up - Tape it to the inside of your cabinet and mark off places once visited.
- Eat at a local diner
- Make your own natural cleaning products
- Host a poker night
- Start a journal
- Get your hair done
- Try reflexology
- Relax!
What would you add to the list?